
The graduation program Animal Science in the Tropics (PPGCAT) was implemented in December 1999, with the name of graduate program in Tropical Veterinary Medicine, with Master's degree, by the founding professors Prof. Dr. Maria Ângela Ornelas de Almeida, Prof. Dr. Carlos Roberto Franke, Prof. Dr. José Eugênio Guimarães and Prof. Dr. Alberto Lopes Gusmão, all belonging to the faculty of the Federal University of Bahia.
The first class of graduate students joined 2000, with only four pupils and the first dissertation of the program was completed in 2002, titled "Evaluation of the follicular dynamics of Goat (Capra hircus) through Transrectal ultrasonography", Authorship of the student Augusto Magnavita de Mello Filho, under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Alberto Lopes Gusmão.
In 2004 the denomination was modified to graduate program in Animal Science in the Tropics (PPGCAT) for contemplating other sciences such as pharmacy, biology and Zootechnics. Moreover, in 2005 and 2006, research was initiated in the area of Animal Health with wild animals and domestic carnivores, respectively.
From the ascension of his faculty, in 2008 was approved by CAPES the doctoral course, with the admission of eight students and the first thesis defended in June 2011 by the graduate student Raimundo Luiz Nunes Vaz da Silva under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Ronaldo Lopes Oliveira had the title "Torta de dendê, oriunda da produção de biodiesel, no suplemento de vacas em lactação a pasto". Since then the doctoral course offered presents itself as an important option for professionals from Bahia and northeast who defend their masters and want to remain in the state.